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There is no doubt that the 1Z0-083 certification in a popular exam in the industry. And, 1Z0-083 is one of the most demanded certifications by the Cisco. We at Exam4Tests, provide the money back guarantee on our 1Z0-083 practice exam questions and training material. Our 1Z0-083 certified professional team continuously works on updated exam content with Latest 1Z0-083 Questions. If you want to clear the 1Z0-083 exam in the best way, then you can utilize the best quality products and services provided by us. Our 1Z0-083 PDF questions have all the updated question answers for 1Z0-083 exams.
Choose three. Which three are true about recovery operations done without using Recovery Manager (RMAN)?
Answer: C,D,F
Which three are true about Automatic Workload Repository (AWR), Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor (ADDM), and the Manageability Monitor (MMON) background process? (Choose three.)
Answer: A,B,E
Explanation/Reference: https://books.google.com.pk/books?id=DeQkU5E75DUC&pg=PA869&lpg=PA869&dq=By+default,
+days&source=bl&ots=DfoGmJfCMy&sig=ACfU3U0Pf2RgIs72LUV4HUzs5UIXI8sXEQ&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ah UKEwjb8bKhu9noAhUwTxUIHRpYAuMQ6AEwA3oECAsQLA#v=onepage&q=By%20default%2C%20AWR%
HR_ROOT is an application container with the HR_APP application installed. No application PDBs and no application seed have yet been created in HR_ROOT. An application PDB, PDB1, must be created so that the HR_APP application's common objects are accessible to it. Which two methods can be used?
Answer: A,C
Which two are true about creating pluggable databases (PDBs) using snapshots in Oracle 19c and later releases?
Answer: B,C
Which two are true about Oracle Optimizer Statistics, their use, and their collection? (Choose two.)
Answer: B,E
B is correct. The cost of an index scan depends on the levels in the B-tree, the number of index leaf blocks to be scanned, and the number of rows to be fetched using the rowid in the index keys. The cost of fetching rows using rowids depends on the index clustering factor.
C is correct. The output of the advisor is a report of findings and recommendations, which helps you follow best practices for gathering statistics.
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